Welcome to Sunset Farms' new online store! 🚀

Our Story

Our farm is located on: 2265 South Juniper Street, Centennial Park, AZ 86021

It was founded in February of 2005

1.  Why Is Farming So Important to Us

Self-sufficient farming is something we aspire to, and want to pass on to our future generations.

We want to see our families grow in health and strength, as much in their bodies as in their minds.

Farming is never boring and can be very challenging. It requires discipline, patience and trust. Farming creates opportunity for growth, both physically and mentally.

Our rewards don’t always have to come as riches, but in the growth of dedication, patience and hard work. It’s what we love to do.

It is a blessing to be able to have access to land where preservation is possible. We love being a resource to communities that share a common desire for a fresh, healthy, and well-balanced environment.

We are blessed with abundance, why not share it?

2.  Farming is good for our health

Foods grown in local farms can have many increased health benefits and may decrease the likeliness of developing asthma, allergies, high blood pressure and much more.

Farming offers the young generation to be engaged in a healthy lifestyle, helping alleviate malnutrition by staying active, mentally involved and eating properly.


3.  Life Balance

Our farmers work hard, regardless of the weather. They take time out of their everyday lives to give attention and care to the feeding, planting, and harvesting of our animals and crops. They are willing to go the extra mile. They are invested in autonomy, purpose, spirit, and humility. We work to perpetuate the transcendent and enlightening values of the farmer in a caring way.

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Sunset Farms